Garlic.jl is a reimplementation of garlic model using Cropbox framework. The original model was written in C++ and published in "A process-based model for leaf development and growth in hardneck garlic (Allium sativum)".
using Pkg
using Cropbox
using Garlic
The model is a system named Model
defined in Garlic
parameters(Garlic.Model; alias = true, recursive = true)
Config for 21 systems:
init | = | 0 hr |
step | = | 1 hr |
maximum_temperature | = | nothing |
minimum_temperature | = | 0 °C |
optimal_temperature | = | nothing |
beta | = | 1 |
base_temperature | = | nothing |
maximum_temperature | = | nothing |
optimal_temperature | = | nothing |
Q10 | = | 2 |
optimal_temperature | = | nothing |
optimal_temperature | = | 22.28 °C |
ceiling_temperature | = | 34.23 °C |
planting_date | = | nothing |
emergence_date | = | nothing |
maximum_emergence_rate | = | 0.0876 d⁻¹ |
emergence_optimal_temperature | = | 12.7 °C |
emergence_ceiling_temperature | = | 35.9 °C |
critical_photoperiod | = | 12.5 hr |
storage_days | = | 100 d |
storage_temperature | = | 5 °C |
initial_leaves_at_harvest | = | 4 |
maximum_leaf_initiation_rate | = | 0.2 d⁻¹ |
maximum_phyllochron_asymptote | = | 0.4421 d⁻¹ |
__LeafAppearance__SDm | = | 117.752 d |
__LeafAppearance__k | = | 0.0256 d⁻¹ |
initial_maximum_phyllochron | = | missing |
leaves_generic | = | 10 |
scape_removal_date | = | nothing |
flower_appearance_threshold | = | 5.0 |
scape_appearance_threshold | = | 3.0 |
bulbil_appearance_threshold | = | 5.5 |
latitude | = | 36° |
longitude | = | 128° |
altitude | = | 20 m |
transmissivity | = | 0.5 |
solar_constant | = | 1370 W m⁻² |
photosynthetic_active_radiation_conversion_factor | = | 4.6 μmol J⁻¹ |
init | = | nothing |
last | = | nothing |
a | = | 0.611 kPa |
b | = | 17.502 |
c | = | 240.97 |
store | = | nothing |
CO2 | = | 400 μmol mol⁻¹ |
maximum_elongation_rate | = | 12 cm d⁻¹ |
longevity | = | 50 d |
cold_injury_factor1 | = | -0.1 K⁻¹ |
cold_injury_factor2 | = | 1.6 |
cold_injury_critical_temperature | = | 0 °C |
__LeafColdInjury__enable | = | true |
minimum_length_of_longest_leaf | = | 60 cm |
length_to_width_ratio | = | 0.05 |
area_ratio | = | 0.75 |
stay_green | = | 3.5 |
maximum_length_of_longest_leaf_adjustment | = | 0 cm² |
growth_duration | = | 10 d |
longevity | = | 50 d |
growth_duration | = | 10 d |
longevity | = | 50 d |
Q10 | = | 2 |
optimal_temperature | = | 20 °C |
leaf_angle | = | ellipsoidal |
leaf_angle_factor | = | 0.7 |
wave_band | = | photosynthetically_active_radiation |
scattering | = | 0.15 |
clumping | = | 1.0 |
soil_reflectivity | = | 0.1 |
leaf_width | = | 0.1 m |
stomatal_ratio | = | 1.0 |
kinematic_viscosity_of_air_at_20 | = | 1.51e-5 m² s⁻¹ |
thermal_diffusivity_of_air_at_20 | = | 2.15e-5 m² s⁻¹ |
g0 | = | 0.096 mol bar⁻¹ m⁻² s⁻¹ |
g1 | = | 6.824 |
diffusivity_ratio_boundary_layer | = | 1.37 |
diffusivity_ratio_air | = | 1.6 |
leaf_scattering | = | 0.15 |
leaf_spectral_correction | = | 0.15 |
leaf_thermal_emissivity | = | 0.97 |
latent_heat_of_vaporization_at_25 | = | 44 kJ mol⁻¹ |
specific_heat_of_air | = | 29.3 J K⁻¹ mol⁻¹ |
absorption_coefficient | = | 0.5 |
base_temperature | = | 25 °C |
rubisco_constant_for_co2_at_25 | = | 404.9 μbar |
activation_energy_for_co2 | = | 79.43 kJ mol⁻¹ |
rubisco_constant_for_o2_at_25 | = | 278.4 mbar |
activation_energy_for_o2 | = | 36.38 kJ mol⁻¹ |
mesophyll_o2_partial_pressure | = | 210 mbar |
maximum_carboxylation_rate_at_25 | = | 108.4 μmol m⁻² s⁻¹ |
activation_energy_for_carboxylation | = | 52.1573 kJ mol⁻¹ |
maximum_electron_transport_rate_at_25 | = | 169.0 μmol m⁻² s⁻¹ |
activation_energy_for_electron_transport | = | 23.9976 kJ mol⁻¹ |
electron_transport_temperature_response | = | 616.4 J K⁻¹ mol⁻¹ |
electron_transport_curvature | = | 200 kJ mol⁻¹ |
light_transition_sharpness | = | 0.7 |
triose_phosphate_limitation_at_25 | = | 16.03 μmol m⁻² s⁻¹ |
activation_energy_for_Tp | = | 47.1 kJ mol⁻¹ |
dark_respiration_at_25 | = | 1.08 μmol m⁻² s⁻¹ |
activation_energy_for_respiration | = | 49.39 kJ mol⁻¹ |
co2_compensation_point_at_25 | = | 42.75 μbar |
activation_energy_for_co2_compensation_point | = | 37.83 kJ mol⁻¹ |
growth_duration | = | 10 d |
longevity | = | 50 d |
primordia | = | 5 |
partitioning_table | = | [0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.35 0.3 … 0.0 0.1; … ; 0.05 0.0 … 0.0 0.95; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0] |
initial_seed_mass | = | 0.275 g |
initial_planting_density | = | 55 m⁻² |
maintenance_respiration_coefficient | = | 0.012 d⁻¹ |
synthesis_efficiency | = | 0.8 |
cold_damage_shape_factor | = | 0.9 K⁻¹ |
cold_damage_critical_temperature | = | -15 °C |
enable_cold_damage | = | true |
leaf_width | = | 1.5 cm |
As the parameter list goes quite long, let's try a parameter set included in the package. It was calibrated for Korean Mountain (KM) cultivar planted and grown in Seattle as described in the paper.
config = @config Garlic.Examples.AoB.KM_2014_P2_SR0
Config for 8 systems:
optimal_temperature | = | 22.28 |
ceiling_temperature | = | 34.23 |
critical_photoperiod | = | 12 |
maximum_leaf_initiation_rate | = | 0.1003 |
storage_temperature | = | 5 |
maximum_phyllochron_asymptote | = | 0.4421 |
leaves_generic | = | 10 |
initial_leaves_at_harvest | = | 4 |
storage_days | = | 143 |
planting_date | = | ZonedDateTime(2014, 11, 20, tz"America/Los_Angeles") |
emergence_date | = | ZonedDateTime(2014, 12, 30, tz"America/Los_Angeles") |
scape_removal_date | = | nothing |
maximum_elongation_rate | = | 4.7 |
minimum_length_of_longest_leaf | = | 65.0 |
stay_green | = | 1.84 |
maintenance_respiration_coefficient | = | 0.012 |
synthesis_efficiency | = | 0.8 |
partitioning_table | = | [0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.35 0.3 … 0.0 0.1; … ; 0.05 0.0 … 0.0 0.95; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0] |
cultivar | = | :KM |
year | = | 2014 |
planting_group | = | 2 |
latitude | = | 47.66 |
longitude | = | 122.29 |
altitude | = | 20.0 |
CO2 | = | 390 |
store | = | 7454×11 DataFrame… |
initial_planting_density | = | 55 |
init | = | ZonedDateTime(2014, 9, 1, 1, tz"America/Los_Angeles") |
last | = | ZonedDateTime(2015, 7, 7, tz"America/Los_Angeles") |
Simulation is run until stop
condition is met which corresponds to the number of hours (calendar.count
) between starting (calendar.init
) and ending date (calendar.last
) as specified in the configuration above. The output of simulation is snap
-ped each day, not by every hour, to reduce overhead.
r = simulate(Garlic.Model; config, stop = "calendar.count", snap = 1u"d")
Progress: 6%[=> ] ETA: 0:00:16 ( 2.28 ms/it)
Progress: 54%[==============> ] ETA: 0:00:06 ( 1.75 ms/it)
Progress: 66%[=================> ] ETA: 0:00:04 ( 1.69 ms/it)
Progress: 76%[====================> ] ETA: 0:00:03 ( 1.66 ms/it)
Progress: 85%[======================> ] ETA: 0:00:02 ( 1.63 ms/it)
Progress: 95%[=========================> ] ETA: 0:00:01 ( 1.61 ms/it)
Progress: 100%[===========================] Time: 0:00:11 ( 1.60 ms/it)
The output data frame can be now used for making some plots. Here is a plot replicating Fig. 3.D from the paper showing leaf development over time.
visualize(r, :time, [:leaves_appeared, :leaves_mature, :leaves_dropped]; kind = :line)

Another plot replicating Fig. 4.D from the paper showing the area of green leaf taking account of leaf aging.
visualize(r, :time, :green_leaf_area; kind = :line)

Similarly, dry biomass of organ types per plant can be visualized.
visualize(r, :time, [:leaf_mass, :bulb_mass, :total_mass]; kind = :line)

For more information about using the framework such as simulate()
and visualize()
functions, please refer to the Cropbox documentation.